Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First week out

Well it wasn't the "shoot em up" weekend I had hoped for but it gave me a chance to do a little shooting with the camera.  Cash is now nine months old and is working great just need some fine tuning before teal season starts this weekend.  Here are a few of my favorite pics from the hunt.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

So it begins

   Hunters that have been sitting around since the last day of the season, having withdraws like a hunting junkie with trigger fingers itching, are now taking there first drink of the new season.
In Texas the opening of dove season is a breakfast of a kind of religion. Hunters praying that that the days leading up to September 1st would go faster, and that the harvest is plentiful, that they can shoot a little straighter, and drop the birds a little closer.  Sometimes forgetting that the season most often than not starts with hot weather, swarms of mosquitoes, and all too early mornings. Remembering to bring a cooler of ones favorite cold beverage and hopefully a hunting buddy or two that are right by their sides. Drawing from memories past, the familiar smell of gunpowder and freshly mowed fields that will soon resonate in the morning air. Yes fellas its here, the doves are in the sky, the bacon is in the fridge and shells are in the chamber. So go have a great hunt, and thank God for the creation of hunting season.